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Does Blogging In 2020 still work after You Tube and Podcasts Coming?

Today, I’m going to share about blogging and does blogging still work after you tube and podcasts coming? If you are interested in blogging or happened to be a blogger, you might want to continue to listen to what I would say  next.. 

Does Blogging Still Work After You Tube and Podcasts Coming?

OK, before we continue, let me ask you, do you have a blog? Please answer at the comment below with ‘Yes’ if you have one and No, if you haven’t. 

blogging you tube podcast in 2020

First of all, let me share my story as a blogger. I started blogging since probably around 2006 or 2007. The reason was that I love to write diary back when I was a child but since the internet provides media called blog, I wondered how to write a diary to share  my thoughts with other people. I remember I had two or three different blogs. One blog for my journal, one for my poetry and the other one for my short stories. 

As the time goes by, I had difficulty to maintain those 3 blogs, so in 2011, I decided to close down three of them and start a new blog to accommodate those 3 niches and adding several new topics that I am interested in such Traveling, reading books and technologies review. 
To make it even better, in 2015 I decided to  seriously blogging seriously. I then moving to a paid domain. The reason was simple, my blog will look more professional and personal at the same time. So, On March 7, 2015, the old bittersweet-m-e blog changed its name to and it continues till now. 

I was so motivated and diligently blogging every week. I posted twice or minimal once in a week and most of these posts are paid posts. I also joined some blog competitions and won several of them. So yeah, you can say I make money from blogging aside from my main job as a government employee and a radio announcer. 2015 to 2017 was the year of the blooming of bloggers. 

Some people are aware that they can make money from blogging so they become interested in becoming bloggers. Little that they now, the trend is also changing fast. Blogs are no longer the only media to share information. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, You Tube and various other platforms began to squirm. Bloggers is no longer a major player as marketing spokesperson  because here comes ‘THE INFLUENCER’.

I learned about in 2015, so I decided to build my social media like twitter, Instagram and You Tube channel more professionally. I also learned that typical of people has changed. People are no longer enjoy reading a long post so Blog should include pictures, graphics and even video to make sure they got people's attention to stay longer or to get the information as interesting as possible.  That’s when blog needs ‘Info-graphics’. I did learn to make one and it turns out well.  

In the digital age, the news is limited to characters and conversations take place in the form of emojis, our attention span has shortened. Blogging with thousand words and a lot of information at the same time makes us exhausted to read. Info-graphics really do help, not just to make the content looks good but also to summarize and to make our content to-the-point.

How to make Infographic
My Simple Infographic made with Power Point 

If we compare it with other social media like Twitter, it has limited characters but not limited tweeting but still really more enjoyable to read. Instagram comes with the Insta story where user can share text and 30 secs video. 

As younger people are less and less interested in reading, they tend to choose watching longer videos on You Tube. Moreover, when people are too busy to watch TV and read a book, listening to podcasts is the solution.  So in 2020, does blogging still work after You Tube and podcasts coming? 

A recent study by Data Box, “The Shift in Your Content Marketing Mix: 25 Marketers On What’s Changed in 2 Years” showed that 68% of marketers find blogging more effective than they did 2 years ago. How’s that even possible? 

If you try to search on Google about something, the option that Google offered still mostly information based on website even though there are several options that lead you to You Tube channel depend on the keyword. It can be from the official websites or personal blogs. It means that blog still has a chance to be read by people. 

So, if you want to start blogging right now, you can go ahead, start a blog but don’t set your expectations too high of getting much income at first. Blogging and earn money from blogging are two different things even though those two can relate. So here are some things you can do :


First, make your content. Whatever your content is, make sure it is useful not only for you but for others. That’s the simple way to be discovered in such a tight competition in internet. Even though it's a simple one like “How to pass the Procurement of Goods and services Test” or “First Experience of Making Pizza” or anything you think can be helpful to others. It doesn’t have to be perfect but at least you make your first move. As you write more often, you can learn and grow to be better. Put some pics, add infographics or video if you will, set the keyword, register it to google search. Anything that useful, go and try. 

Infographics Coffee
Infographics by Vita Masli for "Hari Kopi Sedunia dan Kopi Indonesia" 

Second, don’t put your content on shadow. Go promote it on your social media. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are some of the options. Let people know your content. Go blogwalking, say hi to the content creator. They possible go to your blog,too or maybe not. It’s ok, at least you introduce yourself as blogger. 

Blog on Pinterest

Third, join the community. Get along well. Step by step you set your networking, don’t rush it. Set your personal branding by interacting with the community. Let people know who you are, what you blog is all about. Brand deal often come from community, so be alert and be professional. 

Fourth, the content you post on your blog can be used as material for creating content on You Tube and podcasts. That will be your next step. I know making You Tube and podcast content seems not easy and yes, they have their own difficulties, I will talk about it later on the next post. One thing for sure, blogging, You Tubing and podcasting can get along well. One idea can be used for these three media and you can use them to promote one each other. 

Blog You Tube Podcast 2020

I wrote about Why I am Not Blogging Lately and I attached my You Tube content as the example. And for your information, what you read right now is supposed to be my script for podcast and You Tube but I also post it on this blog.  I put my Podcast link on this blog so you can listen to my podcasts. In return, I mention my blog on my You Tube and podcast channels. All three can work together to help you build your goals as content creator. So, even You Tube and podcasts coming after blogging, you can still use them as your blog media support. 

Five, be consistent. This is probably the hardest part of being content creator : CONSISTENCY. There will be some days when you full of ideas, you make a lot of contents like crazy and  you’re fiery to do all of it. But, there will be some days when you are so busy doing something else and you don’t have time to make your contents. Even worse, you’re stuck, you don’t know what content you’ll be making. Or, you lose hope because you can’t get your achievement yet. Well, it could happen to anybody, including me. 

Most of successful people often said, the key to consistency is setting and achieving specific goals. We can start by determining how we want to be more consistent in our life, and aim for these small goals. Setting time, write down the ideas, put it on schedule to begin with. Over time, as we become more consistent, keep ourselves motivated and accountable. If content is the king, I believe consistency is the queen. 

Blogging in 2020

That’s it.. I hope it’s useful to make answer your question does blogging still work after You Tube and podcasts coming? I think it’s still does. What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Thanks for reading. 

This post is also shared on ‘My Litte Radio Podcasts Channel’. 


  1. Yes, YouTube is nice, but it can not replace quick facts. You need to watch the whole program to catch certain information. Blogs enable people to search words (not just keywords). People come to my blog to learn which bus leads to Monas or TMII. You don't want to watch a 5 minute show explaining which Transjakarta corridor to take, when you can find the answer by just reading the last paragraph of a blog. Simple, short information may be easier to transmit using blogs.

  2. Hi kak vita. Salam kenal.

    Terimakasih utk semua semangat dan ilmunya.

    Saya baru setahun inj memulai semua about blogging dari noll.

    Btw, utk point tips ke 3. Saya ingat pesan Neil patel pakar SEO, yg jg baru2 ini saya mengenalnya. Beliau pernh bilang bhwa di 2020 website yg memiliki bnyak jejak digital dari sosmed akan membuat web down reputasinya.

    Bgaimna menurut kak vita?

  3. Saya rasa blog masih menjadi idola selain dari youtube apalagi kalau punya blog dan youtube. Tapi apakah tujuan awalnya membuat blog hanya untuk monetisasi?
    Kalau masih banyak yang hobi menulis, saya rasa blog tidak akan tenggelam. Salam silaturahmi


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